5 Key Takeaways from ASCA 2024

5 Key Takeaways from ASCA 2024

The Alongside team descended upon Kansas City to spread some llama love at the 2024 American School Counseling Association national conference. Here's a roundup of key insights based on sessions we attended and conversations with hundreds of school counselors from across the US. 

1. Counselors are Ready to Embrace AI

A significant theme throughout the conference was the integration of AI tools in school counseling. While some attendees were initially hesitant about AI, its practical benefits quickly shifted perspectives.  "The overall feeling was really positive towards AI and  a lot of people were excited about ways they could use AI  tools," said Alongside's Dr. Blanca Jaure. "In one session I attended, more than half of attendees said they were more excited than scared about using AI in their schools."

Some other things we noticed through conversations at our booth include:

  • AI Can Connect Students to Counselors: Attendees were very interested to learn that nearly 40% of students who engage with Alongside's AI-powered chat share summaries of their conversations with their counselors. This demonstrates how AI can serve as an on-ramp and anchor point for counselor support and offers potential for better tracking student well-being.
  • AI Can Offer Deeper Insight Into Student Needs: Counselors were particularly interested in AI’s ability to provide a high-level overview of the issues students face, allowing for more targeted interventions
"In one session I attended, more than half of attendees said they were more excited than scared about using AI in their schools." - Dr. Blanca Jaure

2. Keep Student Needs as the North Star

The conference underscored the importance of keeping student well-being at the forefront as we navigate evolving district policies and state laws, particularly as it pertains to supporting LGBTQ+ students. Counselors discussed creative ways to make their spaces feel safe and inclusive, even when overt displays are not allowed. For example, small items in the office can help create a sense of safety and belonging.

3. Get Out of Silos and Work Holistically

A recurring theme was the need to break down silos and work holistically across different support systems:

  • Create a Shared Narrative: Creating a shared narrative and language across SEL, mental health, career counseling, and wellness is critical to ensuring comprehensive student well-being.
  • Work Collaboratively: Sessions emphasized the importance of collaboration among different support areas to provide a unified approach to student support.

4. Take It One Step at a Time as You Build Your MTSS Plan

Building on the idea that collaboration is key, the conference also emphasized that implementing a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Several sessions emphasized ways to break down the implementation into manageable parts and underscored how rolling out strategic plans over time increases the likelihood of sustainability and success.

Counselors love llama pens!

5. School Counselors Love Llamas ... and Dancing!

The conference wasn't all about implementation planning and policy debates. A lighter, yet equally important, takeaway was the vibrant and energetic spirit of school counselors. We were happy to delight attendees with our novelty llama pens, and had a blast joining counselors on the dance floor at the Saturday night conference party. One thing is for sure, nothing is better for the soul than sharing space with caring humans who are committed to supporting students. 

Onward Towards an Innovative Future

The American School Counseling Conference highlighted the transformative potential of AI in school counseling, validated the pressing needs of counselors, and provided actionable insights to enhance student support. By embracing innovation, prioritizing student well-being, fostering collaboration, taking incremental steps, and keeping the spirit of fun alive, we can create supportive and effective educational environments.

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