Funding info

Strategies for funding school mental health

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Finding Funds

Funding Reset: New Strategies to Support Student Needs

National school funding expert Rebecca Langan and District Mental Health Coordinator Dr. Alisa Smiley-Rudolph talk about getting resourceful with funding. This interactive webinar will walk you through an exercise to draft your own talking points for grants and other funding requests.

Watch the recording
Mental Health funding webinar

Quiz: Investing for Impact

Complete this 6-question quiz to better understand the scope of the teen mental health crisis and where to invest for maximum impact.

Take the quiz

Funding Sources & Grant Opportunities

Download our list of federal, state and local funding sources that can be allocated to support  school-based mental health programs.

Get the list
Evaluating Options

School mental health buyer’s guide

The most important part of investing in school-based mental health solutions is identifying your needs and making sure you invest in the right kinds of people, products and services to maximize your impact.

Download the MTSS Buyer's Guide
Buyer's Guide sneak peek
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