Apuroopa, Student Intern

Apuroopa, Student Intern
"Within minutes of having a conversation, I'm suddenly feeling a lot better."

"Hi, my name is Apuroopa and I'm an intern at Alongside. I wanted to join the Alongside team because of my passion for de-stigmatizing and supporting youth mental health.

Today I'd like to talk about how the Alongside app has helped me as a student. With my mental health, I tend to overthink a lot. What this means is all of the thoughts in my head come pouring down at me all at once. It's really hard in that moment for me to think about whether or not this thought is irrational, but that's where the Alongside app comes in.

I open the app on my phone and go to the chatbot and I talk through all of the worries and thoughts that are on my mind. Within minutes of having a conversation, I'm suddenly feeling a lot better. And this is what the Alongside app has done for me. It's like therapy, but at my fingertips, literally sitting in my pocket.

The mental health crisis is right now. It's happening right now. And there's no better time to start battling it. And we can do that with Alongside."

Ready to get started? Try Alongside today!