Njeri Fikes, Parent

Njeri Fikes, Parent
"We don't talk about mental health enough...until it's too late oftentimes."

Parent Njeri Fikes addresses the types of concerns and skepticism parents might have about Alongside...

"I think that parents are often suspicious of things. A lot of times you have grandparents even who are rearing their grandchildren and they may be suspicious of technology, and rightfully so. I think first of all, we have to trust that the district has the student's best interest at heart. I think that when we have that level of trust, then it's easier to feel like this is an excellent tool. I think that it is important for parents to express whatever your concerns are and then give the district the opportunity to explain it to you, to help you feel a little better. And I think that can build trust in so many other ways.

I think that it is a wonderful tool. We don't talk about mental health enough in terms of our young people until it's too late oftentimes. I think in a post pandemic world, if adults are feeling the stressors of the economy, of just the world in general, we owe it to ourselves to provide a safe space for our young people. And if it's coming on their phones, then that's good too."

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