Wisdom, Student Intern

Wisdom, Student Intern
"A great asset in situations where I've needed immediate clarity."

"Hi, my name is Wisdom. I am an intern at Alongside, which is a company with the sole purpose of de-stigmatizing and supporting youth mental health.

Today I'd like to tell you how the Alongside app provides me the mental health support that I want as a student and how it can help you too as a student.

I know it can be quite difficult trying to juggle life in school, but with Alongside finding that balance is way easier. In my experience, the Alongside app has proven to be a great asset in situations where I've needed immediate clarity or a quick course of action.

It has proven to be very efficient in delivering and providing great resources that are relevant to the situation at hand. All in all, the Alongside app is a phenomenal asset for teams and I definitely recommend that you check out the app."

Ready to get started? Try Alongside today!